Positive School Environment

Macgregor Primary School is a community of socially responsible learners. We foster a positive, inclusive, cooperative, challenging, safe and supportive learning environment. Children, teachers, parents and carers work together to develop and maintain respectful and quality relationships. Families feel pride and belonging as part of our community. Staff members value and build productive partnerships with families.

a photo of twin boys in the library a photo of sisters cuddling

We expect that each community member takes responsibility for her/his own actions and maintains relationships or repairs them in a restorative manner. Macgregor staff respond to children making mistakes within their relationships in a timely, discrete, appropriate and predictable manner. Macgregor Primary School’s provision of positive behaviour education and skilling of students is pastorally driven, comprehensive and ‘whole of school’ in nature. The frameworks that we use are Response to Intervention, Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL), Friendly Schools Plus, Restorative Practices and the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. It is within these positive and broad frameworks that each child’s skills are developed.

Developing and maintaining a positive school climate relies on each member of the school community taking responsibility for cooperative, caring and respectful relationships. Students can reach their full educational potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe and when there is a positive school culture to support them. This interdependent relationship between wellbeing and learning is fundamental to each child’s positive and successful engagement with their education and supported by neuroscience. Macgregor Primary School promotes the link between wellbeing and learning in every aspect of the curriculum, school culture and environment.