Positive relationships are fostered through actively developing:
- quality relationships between teacher and teacher, teachers and students, staff and family members
- social emotional explicit learning activities through W@M Wednesdays and teachable moments
- shared understanding and agreements using classroom and W@M signage
- restorative practices and the daily use of ‘Essential Skills’ and ‘Circle Time’ activities.
Our staff members are committed to understanding and focusing on the needs and experiences of all children. We believe this approach, coupled with fun yet secure and focused learning environments, proactively encourages appropriate behaviours. Assisting children to change behaviours which have a negative impact within our school community is important to us. We understand that this takes time, encouragement, effort and explicit teaching.
What strategies do we use to assist children to improve their relationships?
- Macgregor Primary School staff members are committed to focusing on the learning, social and emotional needs of all children
- We listen to children’s stories, perceptions and experiences of situations
- We debrief with children
- We help children commit to changing their behaviours and repairing relationships
- We implement, where necessary, our sequence of responsible follow-up actions for inappropriate behaviour within a supportive framework
- We communicate with each other and especially with parents and carers to develop productive partnerships, becoming a support team for the child
- We work with children to analyse, understand and improve their relationships
- We work through curriculum to teach about the interaction of concepts such as gender, power, culture and violence
- We explicitly teach children socially appropriate ways of solving problems respectfully, managing relationships and attending to their own emotional regulation
- We foster an engaging, inclusive and responsive curriculum and school environment.
The importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Macgregor Primary School acknowledges the importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to improve students’ positive behaviour and reduce negative behaviour, to achieve significant improvements in students’ academic performance and attitudes toward school and to prepare young people for success later in life. It is important for SEL curriculum to provide coordinated school-wide, sequential and developmentally appropriate instruction towards the outcomes and elements of the personal and social general capability described in the Australian Curriculum. SEL programs need to be informed by a strong evidence base. Teachers help children understand and analyse social practices that may be harmful, and develop a repertoire of positive behaviours. At Macgregor Primary School, every class on a Wednesday engages in explicit social emotional learning (SEL) lessons at the same time – these classes are known as W@M Wednesdays. W@M principles and BRICK values are also integrated into all aspects of our culture and learning.
Students Leadership Opportunities
Macgregor Primary School actively promotes all students as leaders and provides opportunities for the children to demonstrate leadership skills. Leadership and citizenship skills are actively taught through the Australian Curriculum, health and Wellbeing at Macgregor (W@M) sessions.
Year 5 and Year 6 students have the opportunity to participate in training and delivering a playground mediator project throughout the year. In addition SL@M (Student Leaders @ Macgregor) represent each classroom group and meet regularly to discuss school planning and initiatives to support the school's positive culture.
During term 4 of each year, Year 5 teachers assist and mentor the children to present themselves to the school community for the school captain elections. The school captains represent the student body at internal and external events and participate in the school decision-making processes. School Captains are role models for the entire school.
Students who identify as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Acknowledge Country at our formal events.