
Macgregor Primary School is an accredited Sunsmart school. We have a policy document that outlines our sun protection practices in the areas of behaviour, curriculum and environment. These practices are applied to all activities both during and out of school hours from the beginning of August through to the end of May when daily UV levels reach 3 or above. Extra care is taken between 10am and 3pm when UV levels peak as Australia has amongst the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. It is estimated that 99% of common skin cancers and 95% or melanomas are caused by sun exposure (UV radiation).

Our Sunsmart Policy (and associated school uniform code)  ensures that all students, teachers, school staff and visitors of Macgregor Primary School are protected from over-exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun - within the school grounds and also when attending off site events.

Effective sun protection practices not only reduce a child's risk of skin and eye damage and ultimately skin cancer but should also ensure they obtain enough vitamin D from the sun to allow for healthy bone development and maintenance. Our school will not reinforce or promote sun protection behaviour during the June and July period in Canberra due to 'low' UV levels (under 3) as recommended by Cancer Council ACT.

On some days, students and staff members are protected from extreme weather events (high temperatures, rain, extreme cold and poor air quality) by having access to indoor activities during play breaks. Guidance regarding these events is provided through the Education Directorate.

A photo of a child with a sunsmart hat  child on monkey bars