Food 4 Minds @ MPS

Our award winning canteen 'Food 4 Minds @ MPS' is proudly managed by our passionate community member, Lauren Cornish, as a paid employee of the P&C Association.

The menu offers fantastic healthy and homemade options.

a photo of the canteen managers Children with tomato plants

The viability of the school canteen relies on parents and family members volunteering their time to assist the canteen manager. Whilst we ask for a commitment of one day per month between 9:30 am and 1:00 pm – any amount of time, no matter how limited or infrequent, would be helpful. The manager will happily discuss times that are convenient for volunteers. Please contact the manager by email, phone or calling in. You are most welcome to call in at the canteen to see how it operates and have a cup of tea or coffee.

The canteen is not run as a profit-making enterprise and as such the prices are kept to a minimum, consistent with covering costs only it is open each week day. Preschool students can place lunch orders on Wednesdays only.

The price list is published in the school newsletter, school website, on Flexischools or available from the Canteen or Front Office upon request.  Orders are placed via the Flexischools online ordering platform.  There are no cash orders.  Please logon to to open an account.  The Flexischools App is another great way to receive notifications and alerts about special lunch days and P&C run events.  The canteen also sells snacks, drinks and frozen items from the canteen window at lunch and recess time.

The canteen follows The National Healthy School Canteen Guidelines which uses a traffic light system to categorise food and drinks according to their nutritional value and levels of energy, saturated fat, fibre, sugar and salt. The Traffic Light System is as follows:

GREEN is the best choice and forms the basis of a healthy diet.  It offers a wide range of nutrients and is generally low in saturated fat, sugar and salt.

AMBER should be selected carefully.  It contributes some valuable nutrients but contain moderate amounts of saturated fat, sugar and/or salt and may be low in fibre.  It also contributes to excess intake of energy (kilojoules/calories) if consumed in large quantities.

RED is low in nutritional value and fibre and may be high in saturated fat, added sugar and/or salt.  It may also provide excess energy (kilojoules/calories).

Following these guidelines, ACT public schools are not permitted to regularly served food classified as RED.  The Guidelines however permits schools to have two RED food days per term.

Tel: 6142 1628                 Email: