School Hours

Before school routines for Kindergarten to Year 6

The school day begins at 9am and finishes at 3pm for children in Kindergarten to Year 6.  There is supervision in the senior COLA area from 8.45am for children in Kindergarten to Year 6. We ask that the children are discouraged from playing on the fixed equipment or downhill before school. The children remain in this area so that classroom teachers can continue to prepare their lessons uninterrupted during this busy organisational part of the day.

We appreciate children being able to begin the school day at 9am, however 'life happens' at times and some days just don't run to plan! If you have delivered your child to school after classes have begun, please sign them into school through the Front Office, and then help us by encouraging your child to go straight into the activity being undertaken (they'll know what is required as we start all mornings in a similar fashion) and wishing them the best for their day ahead.

It is difficult once the school day has started to have discussions with classroom teachers as they are required to lead and supervise the other children and the learning activities that are in progress. You may like to catch up with your child's teacher in the afternoon or leave a message at the Front Office for a return phone call. It is wonderful to have settled classrooms and learning beginning by 9.05am each morning.

Before and after school care with OSHC is available for children from Preschool to Year 6. Please contact Stacey (program leader) after 2.30 pm daily on 0401 211 308. You may also email

After school routines for Kindergarten to Year 6

We request that Parents and Carers collect Kindergarten to Year 1 children from the junior playground area, and Year 2 children from their classroom areas. Children from Years 3 to 6 are supervised to a nearby exit door and then farewelled by their classroom teacher. Children who are catching buses go directly to their bus stop. Any child still on school grounds by 3.10pm waits for collection by their adults in the school's front foyer.

We request that all children promptly leave the school grounds in the afternoons. Students attending After School Care independently make their way to 'Afters', except children in Preschool, Kindergarten and Year 1, who are collected by After School Care staff members each afternoon.

Break Times

'We provide supportive play environments so that the children are learning through play well beyond the early years, in order to develop a holistic set of skills along with academic knowledge, to thrive and succeed in a rapidly changing world'.

Recess - 10:30am - 11:00am

Lunch - 12:30pm  - 1:30pm


We ask that parents and carers deliver their children to preschool and collect from preschool in the afternoon. Before and After School Care staff will drop off and collect children directly to and from the preschool teachers.

The preschool day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 2.45pm - play and eating breaks are scheduled to meet the needs of the children optimising both indoor and outdoor play opportunities.

Preschool staff provide details to families at the beginning of the year regarding their drop off and collection procedures.